111A Ilupeju Street, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi, Lagos
Tel: 070 1460 8123
Emai: info@dentalsolutions.cc
Frequently Asked Questions
Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.
Delivery charges a are based on method chosen and will be calculated after we process your order. The amount will be sent in an invoice email.
The bank transfer and cash on pickup options are available currently. We are working to bring direct card payments to the platform.
Delivery within Lagos should take maximum 2 hours. Delivery time outside Lagos are dependent on order, method and distance of the delivery. Only orders that are paid for will be shipped.
This site uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). It is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral)
We receive a notification that the order has been made and email an invoice. If shipping is necessary, we will contact you witha quote.
Once final payment (shipping + order total) has being received , the goods will be sent to you.